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导读 你们好,最近小新发现有诸多的小伙伴们对于日语五十音图记忆技巧,日语五十音图记忆口诀这个问题都颇为感兴趣的,今天小活为大家梳理了下,


1、 从头到尾,先把五声音阶表抄好,边抄边看,尽量做到写的时候一个时间,但是抄写的时候发音可以正确,笔顺和书写点可以完全正确。

2、 Then, we read the Chinese version of this lengthy introduction again and said, "At the age of 50, when I translated Japanese into Japanese, it felt very similar.

3、 However, due to the large number of hiragana, there are many things to remember. "After reading it, we should be able to accurately judge all the false names in it. If we can't admit it, we should take another look and copy it again.

4、 然后在学习拗音长音和促音的基础上准确读出这两句话。

5、 It's all hiragana, so now we'll retest katakana, "gejowans hanihongo Ben kustoki, totemojuyunakohondes."

6、 Carrageenan, Katakana sorbus, Ribes robusta, Dictyophora. "In the same way, we should be able to accurately report all the false names of patent infringement. If we can't admit it, we should take another look and copy it again.

7、 然后在学习拗音长音和促音的基础上准确读出这两句话。

8、 However, there are a lot of katakana and hiragana, and how to remember them is the trouble of many people. "

9、 等你做完这三步,你至少会有10~40个假名,然后试着听歌,顺便看歌词,加深印象,最后背下来。你在学习东西的时候缺的不是脑子或者背的时间,而是你自己的环境。

10、 学习前最好让自己有个环境,尤其是语言。

