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导读 大家好,【 英语作文万能开头 】具体是什么情况,一起往下看看。1、英语作文万能开头如下:* **开头句型**:开门见山,把要描述的主要论点


1、英语作文万能开头如下: * **开头句型**:开门见山,把要描述的主要论点或主旨省略宾语放在句子开头,吸引读者。

2、[例如] Energy conservation is one of the effective ways to reduce carbon emissions. (节能是减少碳排放的有效方式之一。

3、) * **问题开头句型**:先提出问题,然后分析问题,最后得出结论或提出建议。

4、[例如] An increasing number of people are using private cars, which has brought about many problems like air pollution and traffic jams. Therefore, we need to find a sustainable solution. * **引用开头句型**:引用名人名言、调查、研究或者作者的观点作为文章开头的引言,增加说服力,吸引读者注意力。

5、[例如] According to a recent survey, nearly 70% of the respondents said that they would like to live in a clean and green city. * **比较开头句型**:比较正反,突出主题,让读者知道作者的观点和态度。

6、[例如] Although there are many ways to exercise, running has become increasingly popular as it is easy on the joints and provides long-term health benefits. 除了这些句型,还有很多常用的开头方式,如情景开头、设问开头等。



